Why twitter buttons appear in Arabic

for awhile, my twitter in firefox buttons appear in Arabic. I'm under Ubunntu LTS release to date, 36 Firefox updated, without supplements, virus checked often. The stream is still in English (or the language of a particular tracking), but buttons, H

after upgrade to version 15 or 16, I can't open my https sites that are signed by my CA

My CA certificate has been imported to Firefox for centuries. I have had no problems to open my secured sites. After the upgrade from 15 to 16, I started to receive warnings from unreliable connections. The certification authority: -----BEGIN CERTIFI

How to remove the symbol of a note

If I placed a symbol in a note on the score, for example a symbol staccato or legato, how can I remove it much later, once the cancellation is no longer a realistic option? I tried selecting the symbol staccato in the box part and then using the gum,

Power Saver 0x7E error

Hey, I removed the windows OEM pre-installed and installed my windows, I downloaded all the drivers and software on the site of Toshiba, it all works except the energy saver. When it is installed and want to start, I got the error 0x7E. When I want t

Location services does not

I have an iPad 2, iOS updated.  Recently a new internet modem to wi IFIs has been installed by the ISP.  Location services no longer works fo one of my applications.  Any suggestions as to what may be the cause and resolution.

Re: Satellite M70-364 will not start

Hi I have a satellite phone and it does not start. When I press the power button, I get the Toshiba sign, then a white screen. A few seconds later, it goes back to the toshiba screen. I tried another hard drive, but it is always the same. I can enter

Is the iPad first generation support the latest applications from the App Store?

I want to know if iPad first generation takes care of all new version of apps on iTunes app store... Thank you..

Intel AC 7260 Y50 - the nightmare continues

Hello world I fight with Intel 7260 AC. I am not able to find a solution. Lenovo does not meet my email. My webstore will not answer my email. So I'm stuck trying to figure this out myself. Mainly, the power of the wireless signal and speed of 5, 2 G

How to enable ipv6?

IPv6 does not have Internet access, IP address local, the default gateway or the DNS server.  How to activate it? A MacMaster E-mail address is removed from the privacy *.

I can not install Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania

I can't install marine mania zoo tycoon 2

blue screen on the new laptop

I got new samsung n145 more this week, I installed microsoft office 2007 on it and since it freezes a lot. An hour ago I got a blue screen pop up with an angry face on this issue. doesn't have the chance to see what he says that the closure of top co

Get Windows error when you try to run LifeCam HD-6000 on my XP SP3

I just bought MS LifeCam HD-6000, then I installed the software on my XP SP3.   After the installation is complete, I ran app, but I get an error message saying that Lifecam has encountered a problem and needs to close... is there any solution for th

__missing updates___

pilots and misssing udates

Folders appear empty when they are not

I am a new user and if competent would not consider myself particularly knowledgeable. I want only the P3 player to listen to music or audio books while working so once loaded that I have loaded to the top with a few books.  I used just drag / move (


My computer says that the Chinese supports limited support, how to use it?

Show hidden files and folders option does not

I'm trying to access a hidden folder, C:\programdata\... I can't see it in Explorer. When I go into control panel > folder options > discovers... the option box to display hidden files and folders is already selected. I tried to change this option to

I turned on my computer and everything is huge! all sites are too large on my screen. Why? and what do I do?

What never happened... I want my normal desktop not huge, I don't see the whole page without moving backward... What I can do... I'm what some new to all this, but never seen it before?

CD/dvd drive not recognized


Update Windows hangs forever

Win 7 64 iso installation under parallels desktop for Mac OS X El Capitan Windows update 11 VM crashes ever, with no update?

BlackBerry accessing a Q10 Q10

Comes from a former employee set his moving company... She had requested a new code to be sent to its e-mail address of company - which is no longer in use. I can't access the phone, it has an icon on the screen that I understand there is an erasure